Junior Years: 0-3

As children take their first steps in education, we are determined to provide a happy and friendly environment where pupils and parents feel welcome and supported.

We foster integration and cooperation, as each pupil learns the social skills necessary to become a caring, compassionate and contributing member of the class and the school family. Each child mixes not only with their classmates but also with older pupils in the playground, and everyone has a senior pupil as a buddy.

The golden rule in the junior classrooms is: ‘Treat others as you would like to be treated.’ Respect and responsibility are most desirable traits and we teach our pupils to develop these values in a cooperative learning environment.

In the Junior classrooms, we teach using a variety of techniques to cater for the different ways your child learns – auditory, visual and kinaesthetic.  Essential English and Mathematics foundations are taught. Reading is invaluable, and retired teachers from the parish join the class each week to read with individuals. Activity-based learning is enjoyed, too, as pupils develop oral language, motor skills and focus time. We encourage parents to listen to their child’s recount of their day, and to read together each evening.

The Year 0 & 1 classrooms are special places where children work and play together in safe and stimulating surroundings as they steadily make the transition between pre-school and school.  

Children step up into a more formal environment in Year 2, building on those early achievements in their first terms and flourishing in the particular focus on reading, writing, word acquisition and maths skills.

Year 3 continues to build on this essential foundation in English and Mathematics, and specialist Art and  Music are introduced.

Good home-school communication is essential for a successful learning partnership, and staff readily discuss academic, pastoral and organizational matters as parents pop in at the beginning or end of the day. We understand that our parents are always learning about school, just as we are always learning about their children.